Monday, July 30, 2018

"Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied."
                                                  Luke 6:21a

Long, long ago I was a docent for an art museum. As part of my responsibility to prepare for the arrival of traveling exhibits, I attended lectures and studied. I never personally met the artists but I learned about them. I searched for answers to questions like "What prompted the artist to paint the subject? Why did the artist choose certain colors? What technique was used?" My studies added depth to each work of art. I could then share what I learned with those visiting the museum.

I find myself doing something very similar today. I love studying the masterpiece that far excels anything man made ... the Bible. I want to know more about the Author. I want to know His ways. I want to know what prompted the words to be written. I want to understand the intent behind the words. I want to know about the culture of that time. So many questions!

A friend asked where my passion lies, and my answer came quickly. "I am passionate about God's Word. I know it lives and is active because I have experienced its power. I know what it means to be transformed by the renewing of my mind. And I love sharing what I am learning." But as much as I've been given, I cannot profess that I'm always content. Perhaps I taste satisfaction for short periods of time, but the hunger for more always returns. I just cannot grasp it all. I have such a limited understanding. The more I read and study, the more I realize I don't know.

Why this passion? I am certain that God draws people to Him in different ways. People are different so that makes sense. My passion for Him began through the reading of His Word. It is in that holy space that He drew me into a living relationship with Him. That is where I met Him. That is where I fell in love with Him. That is where I developed an ever-present desire to know more of Him, His character and His ways. I have questions ... so I read and study. And actually, it is in this holy space where I learn the most about myself, good and bad. 

The words of Jesus found in Luke 6:21 remind me of the "feast" we have available to us in this nation. So many different Bible translations! A plethora of information we can read about the Bible. Commentaries galore! And yes, I am just enough of a nerd that I enjoy reading them. But while I love studying and learning about the culture of ancient times, the root meaning of words and how the Old Testament reveals Jesus, there is always a desire for more. 

Please be encouraged to open up a Bible, read for yourself. And if you want to go deep with others who have questions, join a Bible study. Jesus promises, "Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied." 

And then one day ... yes, one day we will have the Author of the Bible to explain everything face to face. We won't need a commentary or explanation from another's perspective or experience. We will see clearly.

That will be the time, my hunger will be satisfied as with the richest of foods! Totally content! Amen.